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The customer may also be a consumer of the product easy queue public guidance or service, but this is not a necessary condition. The customer is an individual or business who buys the product or service and pays for it. On the other hand, the consumer is the one who uses and consumes the product or service paraguayan and great,. Additionally, the customer can choose the product or service mainly on a price basis, while the consumer is based on quality. Consumer behavior is the study of how, where, when, and why people buy or not buy a product. This study combines elements from psychology, sociology, social anthropology and economics. It tries to understand the decision-making process of buyers easy queue public guidance separately and in groups, as well as studying the characteristics of individual consumers, such as their demographics and behavioral variables, in an attempt to understand their desires.

It also tries to assess the influences public sector queue software that consumers receive from different groups, such as family, friends and society in general. The consumer behavior study is based on purchasing behavior, with the consumer playing the three distinct roles: the person using the product, the payer and the buyer. Particular importance is given to customer relationship management, personification and customization. The formal definition of consumer behavior is given by the american marketing association bennett, which defines it as the dynamic interaction of emotion and knowledge of behavior and the environment through which people conduct transactions in their lives. The economic approach is based on various economic theories formulated by both micro-economists and macro economists. Micro-economists, using maximal utility theory and the theory of indifference curves, try to interpret consumer behavior by supporting their theories in three basic assumptions. They think that people know exactly their needs and all the alternative ways of meeting them, that people behave rationally in relation to their income, and that their preferences public sector queue software are not dependent on the environment in which they live.

The profile of the modern public sector queue system consumer, however, invalidates this assumption because consumers are not always aware of market conditions, they do not always behave fully rationally, nor remain unaffected by the circumstances and the various elements of the environment. From the other side, macro economists focus their attention on the behavior of the individual against the effects of income and employment, emphasizing the concepts of efficiency and scarcity of goods. Nowadays the main element that affects consumer behavior and therefore the demand for products and services is abundance and not their rarity, so theories of economic approach can not by themselves explain the behavior of the consumer. The theory of learning, rooted in the experiments of the russian psychologist a. Pavlov, claims that individuals learn from their experiences, whether positive or negative, and their consumer behavior depends on their experiences. In conclusion, through experiences of using the various products or services, this theory encourages individuals to resume their purchases. The theory of personal perception is based on the view that each individual understands and interprets the situations in his own unique way, considering that personal perception is shaped not only by the personality and spiritual level of each individual, but also by his ability to selectively receives information according to his/ her interests.

In short, the consumer perceives and retains only the advertising messages of special interest to him and then forms behavior similar to the content of the message. The psychoanalytic theory or hierarchy of needs, whose father is sigmund freud, argues that much of the motivation that determines the behavior of individuals lies in their subconscious. Consequently, consumers are encouraged by the incentives that lie in their subconscious and not only by the physical and functional characteristics of the products or services.

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